Category Archives: Young Mothers

Training on Personal Hygiene for Young Mothers


Besides training on family planning and entrepreneurship, education on hygiene is also a major issue in the Empowering Young Women and Girls Project. Since all of the young mothers have kids, personal hygiene plays an important role and has to be considered as a matter of course in their daily life.

For this reason Sifah, project coordinator at UDI, trained the young mothers on the importance of personal hygiene and outlined diseases that may result from lack of hygiene, for example concerning teeth hygiene.


IMG_4712 Small things like washing hands properly before and after eating and after going to the toilet is important to avoid infections. With a live demonstration the women could strengthen their awareness on the importance of washing hands properly.


As assisting teaching material Sifah used an e-learning on Personal Hygiene developed by Regina Polczer in the framework of her bachelor thesis at Hochschule Karlsruhe.




Meeting the Young Mothers from Mnarani

In my third week Juliet from UDI introduced to me a group of 8 young mothers from Mnarani, the village where I lived, located about 3 km from Kilifi.

It was a getting to know each other and we exchanged our expectations concerning the project. The women’s goal is to do a start their own business, for example, chicken farming. Furthermore, they are very willing to start a soft loan project within their group, which they eventually started later during my stay.



Agricultural Training Conducted by Bayer

IMG_4200In the framework of the agriculture initiative, the young mothers should be able to start their own farming project. Therfore, it is necessary for them to achieve knowledge on how to start, what is needed and what to do from nursery until harvesting the crops or vegetables.

On April, 26th, a free agricultural training took place in the area. This was a good opportunity for the young mothers and also for me to join. Juliet, youth leader of UDI, went there with 3 of the young mothers from Mnarani, Purity, Kadzo and Elisabeth, and their kids.

The training was conducted by Bayer, a German pharma company. I was new to me that Bayer has headquarters in Kenya and that it markets agricultural products there.




The participants were farmers from around the region that were interested in the topic. The Bayer staff taught about farming tomatos and watermelon from nursery to harvesting and explained which of the Bayer products can be used in which stadium.  Although this training for Bayer is a promotion of their products, I think it was really informative for the participants.

The feedback of the 3 young mothers was very positive. They said that they got a lot of helpful information. So, the Bayer training can be considered as a good opportunity to train more of the young mothers on farming.